Sunday, November 15, 2009

No earnings yesterday...I heard that Google AdSense was down.

That's okay. I made $1.54 today on EHow. I really should write some new articles soon; this is all residual income.

Random Article of the Day:

How to Get a Free Virtual Makeover

My hair is a mess. I need a REAL makeover. Soon.

Friday, November 13, 2009


EHow Earnings for today: $1.96

Random Article of the Day:

How to Train for a 5K in 3 Months

Time for bed! I got my job back at the doctor's office, and also worked a promo today. I worked from 8:15a.m. til 8:30p.m., on my feet. I AM EXHAUSTED.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

.89 and a new job? I'd say it was a pretty good day!

I only made .89 on EHow today, but I got rehired by the doctor I used to work for! I'm so excited! I start tomorrow, and I'm headed to my other job in a minute. I agreed to do a 16 day promotion (set up is tonight, and then I'll work from the 13th to the 29th), and I'm tired just thinking about it.

In honor of my new career, here's my random EHow article of the day: How to Become a Chiropractic Assistant

For those of you who aren't familiar with promotions, here's an article about it: How to Get More Jobs as a Promotional Model or Brand Ambassador

Hope everybody is having a great week!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

EHow Earnings are Back on Track!

I made $1.55 on EHow today, so I'm pretty happy. I'm headed towards a $50 month (considering this is all residual income on articles I have already written, that's not too shabby).

I spent about an hour working from home for Demand Studios, the people who own EHow. I'm a Title QA, which basically just means I review titles and either approve, reject, or send them to edit.

Random Article of the Day:

How to Make Nutella Stuffed French Toast

Monday, November 9, 2009

EHow earnings were sooooooo low today.

.40 today...ouch.

Good thing I have a 2 week side gig coming up in a few days!

Random EHow article of the day:

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy Food

Does anybody else love Gossip Girl? I just got the new book:

I Just Entered to Win...

a $529 Veggie Tales collection. It would make a perfect Christmas present for my daughter! 2 years ago, I won a Spiderman DVD and action figure, so I know that people really can win on this site. Here's the link if anybody else wants to try their luck:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

When I'm Not Busy Writing Articles, I Sell Makeup.

When I'm not writing stuff for EHow, Epinions, or Textbroker, I sell makeup for mark. If you haven't heard of mark, it's basically the younger version of Avon (geared towards teens and college students).

Feel free to click HERE if you need some new mascara, shampoo, or lip gloss!

Thanks guys!

By the way, does anybody else love this song?

Eh. Earnings were just...okay.

My EHow earnings were only .72 for the day. While I wouldn't say that I consider that to be terrible, it's not exactly what I was hoping for either.

Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day, right?

The weather is GORGEOUS today, by the way. After church, my daughter and I chilled outside by a fountain. Now we're headed to the bookstore. I love Sundays. :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Decent Day on EHow

EHow earnings are posted: $1.45 for the day!

Keep in mind that I only have 27 articles, so I'm very pleased when I earn $1 to $2 per day.

And is it just me, or does anybody else have a bunch of half-written articles saved on EHow in draft mode? I just counted, and I have 25. I should really learn to finish what I start. :::sigh:::

I accepted a 300 word assignment from Textbroker, so I'll probably write that later. The only thing I hate about Textbroker is that you can only accept one assignment at a time (unless it changes after you've been a member for awhile).

That's it for today, folks! We have 2 birthday parties to attend today (back to back, in different cities), so it's going to be a busy Saturday!

If your child is having a sleepover tonight, here's an article for you: How to Make a Sleepover Soundtrack

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today, I discovered TextBroker.

I signed up awhile ago, but I've been kind of lazy with it. Something about the idea of ghostwriting just didn't appeal to me; I like to receive full credit for my work, good OR bad. Then I saw how easy the requested articles were, so I decided to go ahead and write a few. I wrote 4 articles in less than 1.5 hours, and that was with my daughter reading her entire 100 page joke book to me (and I usually don't do well with distractions; I'm one of those people who freaks out because the person next to me in the library won't stop tapping his foot while I'm trying to read my book).

So anyway, I wrote 4 articles today, and made $9.28. That might not sound like much, but they were VERY short articles that required no research. One of the articles was only 250 words, and none of them were more than 450. As of right now, this is word number 147 (well, the word "number" was #147, which just kind of messes with my brain a bit). That means one of my articles was all of 3 paragraphs.

If ghostwriting is your thing, sign up for Textbroker HERE. They pay twice a month via PayPal, and you can request payout once you reach $10. There are hundreds of articles available at any given moment, and people can also contact you directly to request an article.

As far as writing articles that I actually get credit for goes, today was a great day on EHow! I earned exactly $2.00 in residual income for my articles, which is not bad at all. If you don't already write for EHow, I totally recommend it. I make more in one day on EHow than I do in one month on Epinions sometimes, which is funny, because I have 72 articles on Epinions and 27 articles on EHow. It's all about the key words, baby!

Speaking of working from home, I became a Title QA for Demand Studios (the people who own EHow) a week or two ago. I average $10 to $20 per hour on there, and never run out of work. I heard they might start offering health insurance to freelancers soon, so I'm crossing my fingers. I've had the flu for like 2 weeks, and it's been terrible. Not sure whether or not it's the H1N1, but whatever it was, it sucks. I can't get health insurance on my own; I was denied by Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield (I'm too "high risk"), and I make too much to qualify for Medicaid.

Before I go, here's a holiday article to get you in the Christmas spirit:
Cheap Christmas Gift Ideas

Monday, August 3, 2009

Got paid from Epinions today!

My check from Epinions arrived today (2-3 weeks after requesting it, which is pretty quick)! $21.88, which may not sound like much to some of you...but hey, you have to start somewhere, right?

Currently, I'm more active on EHow than Epinions...although I have met some awesome people on Epinions over the years. Rumor has it that Epinions will be gone within the next year or two (it is in the process of merging with, and I'm kind of sad about it. :(

It's late, and I should probably get to bed. Hope everybody was able to make lots of money writing articles and reviews online in July!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh's been FOREVER, hasn't it?

So much has happened over the last year or so that I don't even know where to start.

I lost my "real job" (administrative assistant) in February, and have been focusing on finding random sources of income. I still complete paid surveys and offers on CashCrate, although not as often as I used to; these days, I have focused more on freelance writing. My favorite sites to write articles and reviews for are Epinions and Ehow; if you aren't familiar with them, I totally recommend checking them out.

I also recently signed up to become an EJuror, although it has not been very lucrative yet. Oh-and I've been working as a guide for ChaCha, which is a really fun way to make money online! Other than that, I've been working as a promotional model/brand ambassador outside of the home. Good times!

Hope all is well with everybody out there! I will start updating on a regular basis as soon as the semester ends...just a few more days!